Y 20.5.1978 in Sipoo, Finland (lived in Espoo since 1982 )
( +358 (0)50 5351829
@ firstname.lastname(a)iki.fi
+ Pasilanraitio 6 B 29, 00240 Helsinki, Finland
Master of Science in Tecnology, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland 1997,199925.4.2006
Department of Materials Science and Rock Engineering: Recycling Technology (major subject),
Environmental Strategies and Technology Assessment (minor subject), total 199,5 creditsHigh School Graduate, Olari High School (= Olarin Lukio), Espoo 1997 What is my education in practice (in Finnish)
Vimelco Oy, product manager, recycling 11/01/06 Importation and reselling company, in which my responsibilities are the machines and the plants of recycling and waste treatment technology (shredders, screens & separation equipment). Due this I have growing knowledge and understanding of proper processes, different type of techniques, developement trends in waste treatment and the companies in the field especially in Finland.
Environment Centre of Helsinki, Environmental Protection and Research Unit, Master's thesis worker 02/01/0507/31/05 Master’s thesis worker. Project work relating to the environmental program of the Helsinki World Championships in Athletics, in which I calculated all the material flows of temporary construction in the Championships. As a part of the project reuse was devised for the rejected structures. Along with the work I was in contact with a very big number of doers from builders to garbage disposals. My work also dealt with the control of the emergence of waste.
The abstract of my Master's ThesisKuusakoski Ltd, recycling plant and aluminium refinery, summer trainee 06/03/0308/15/03 My tasks were e.g. the control of the slag plant unit and updating of the logic controller program
HUT, Laboratory of Mechanical Process Technology and Recycling, research assistant 06/01/0211/30/02 Sorting experiments of plastics using flotation (later I did the special work of my major subject continuing those experiments), mesh analyses of polluted soil, measuring of surface tensions, part-time worker in the autumn
HUT, Laboratory of Metallurgy, research assistant 05/15/0107/15/01 finding data for modeling program of converter process, web page improvements
Fundia Wire Ltd, Steelworks of Koverhar, casting machine man 05/22/0008/20/00
Oriola-KD Ltd, wholesale firms of Mankkaa and Koskelo in Espoo, storeman, 06/21/0609/08/06
collection and packing of medicines and medicinal things
Post Corporation, The Early Delivery, part-time paperboy, 11/31/0506/20/06
I e.g. succesfully taught foreigners to deliver newspapers.
Library of Parliament, assistant, June 1994, archiving, data transmission.
in addition among others logging site jobs 1999
Windows and the programs of MS Office, WWW browsers, HTML, basic graphics (e.g. Photoshop), Omron CX logic controller
Finnish native (...ai ette usko, uskonette? uskoisitteko..!) English brilliant! Svenska Det går javisst också, när jag seglar och.. där i skärgård, du vet Deutch Ich habe etwas zu sagen, besonders besoffen Español sólo un poco, pero puedo probar..
The Student Union of Helsinki University of Technology
Responsible for Sports 2002, (=Chairman of the Sporting Committe)
The Guild of Mining and Metallurgy Students: responsible for sports 2000, editorial staff of the guild magazine 2001, Contact person for the student tutors 2001, "lukkari" (a kind of MC in community singing) 2003
The Board of Otaniemen Ympäristöseura r.y. (environmental club) 20012004, chairman 2004
In addition, aboard many committees of the studen union (e.g. The Committee for Communication, The Committee for Public Transport), contact person of Vuoren Varmat-floorball team 1999 2004, student tutor '99 '00![]()
Finnish Student Sports Federation
The board of federation 2003, responsible for the national sporting event tour Poltetta Puntissa
Contact person of Helsinki in Poltetta Puntissa -event 2002,
Member of the Committee of Sports 2002 and Strategy Follow-up Group 2004
Sports: team- and ball games, mostly floorball and volleyball (ice hockey when there is ice), gym
Others: sailing (with wooden boat), birdwatching (217 points in Finland)
Petty officer in Finnish Navy Garrison of Upinniemi 1998
Driving license (B) 2007
The course of coastal shipmaster 2005
The course of island shipmaster 1995
Scout Association 1988-1992...and you are in my home pages http://leevi.kapsi.fi indeed